Thursday 2 February 2012

This just tells you more about the chickens raised for meat.

Can companies justify these living conditions for maximum profit?
Or does the poultry industry just trying to keep up with demand?
Leave your say in the survey in the top right of the screen
Not very geography related but still funny!

frizzle chicken
Popular with french nobles during the middle ages

croad langshan
central Asia/ north africa
You can see  the feathers covering the legs to prevent sunburn

Chicken breeds around the world

There are over 150 breeds of chickens around the worlds today. So some of you may be asking how has this happened? All chickens originated from the same source so why are they different? Well it's the same with people and other animals. They adapt to their new surroundings or owners breed them to create a chicken that suits their needs. This is why in the agricultural revolution people began to breed chickens for more meat or eggs. Or why chickens in hotter countries such as Africa and South America have feathers covering their legs to stop themselves getting sun burnt. Or why french nobles in the middle ages made chickens called frizzle chicken. These chicken's feathers grow out backwards so they look more fluffy. The did to make chickens an acceptable upper class pet. This just shows that chickens adapt to the climate, times or demands around the world. I'll post some pictures of them later.

Monday 30 January 2012

This is a link to check out chicken prices for the past 30 years.

Huge companies such as KFC, Mc Donalds and big commercial suppliers keep chickens in huge sheds like this.

The money behind the feathers

          Chickens are surprisingly cheap! Day old chicks are bought by huge meat or egg companies for as little as 20 cents in the USA. Chicken is at an all time high in value with of just over 90 cents in the US per pound of meat. You can kind of see why these mega companies try to cram as many chickens into battery to maximise profits but it's not very nice for the chickens. If the hens are for eggs they are kept in cages with eight other chickens. This means each chicken has less space to live in than the area of an A4 page.
           For meat hens they are crammed into giant barns called broilers. here chickens are raised for slaughter in just 6 weeks!
           The poultry industry employ millions of people world wide and is worth billions of euros to the economy. It is worth $25 billion to the Chinese economy alone and employing millions of people around the world today.
           So even though many companies treat chickens in horrible conditions there's no denying that chickens are where the money's at now. Prices of chickens have been on the general increase in the US for the past 30 years! I also am known to dabble in economics so my top tip is don't invest in oil or gas or put your money in a bank account. Buy a chicken farm in the country and you're sorted.