Monday, 23 January 2012

Some chicken facts you probably didn't know

1)People didn't raise chickens for food in the beginning but actually for cock fighting.
2)Chickens can fly! well kind of. They can fly over fences or high enough to get into trees. The longest ever chicken flight was just over 300 metres long.
3)Chickens eat both meat and vegetation which makes them omnivores. They have been known to               eat animals in sizes up to small rodents like mice.
4)Chickens have a world wide population of over 25 billion! That means there are 3.5 chickens for ever human!
5) Chickens can run up to 10 miles an hour! That's about as fast as a golf buggy!
6)Chickens give different alarm sounds depending on what animal is attacking them.
7)The chicken is the closest living relative to the t rex! Well genetically anyway. . . .
8)China also has the largest chicken population with 3 billion chickens living there.
9)Americans eat over 8 billion chickens a year
10)Chickens have more bones in their necks than giraffes

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